This is the second time I had the opportunity to collaborate with Pete Hurst of Falconry South East. We headed to Quex Park, where Pete is based, for a day of "wildlife photography", but me being me, I had a different kind of wildlife on my mind :-)
The line up of birds was quite impressive: from the relatively common Barn Owl and Kestrel to rarities like, Snowy Owl, Eagle Owl, Buzzard, not to mention the fabulous models Madge and Tamara.
Pete's son expertly helping to safely rig the Buzzard on Madge's hand
As always the ever so unpredictable British weather threw a little curve ball, and it was VERY foggy throughout the day. In retrospect, it turned out to be a good thing and allowed for an element of mystery in the photos.
Here are a couple of my favorite shots from the day.
"Which way now?"
"Someone is coming!"